I received some excellent news today! I just had my first work of fiction produced during the quarantine published over at (mac)ro(mic). The story is microfiction – 50 words exactly. It’s the first microfiction story I’ve ever produced, and I am quite pleased with it.
As I stated in a previous post, I’m in between projects while I’m waiting to hear back from a freelance editor. So, I’ve been attempting to knock out flash fiction as more or less writing exercises. That’s been going marvelously. The genesis of my microfiction story, called My Wife, stems from the governor’s stay home order issued a couple weeks ago. My wife is an essential healthcare worker at a major hospital. I stayed awake a good portion of the night after listening to the stay at home order press conference worrying about her health and dreading taking care of the children while their schools are shuttered. The next morning, I wrote the story, agonizing over each word. Turns out, creating a halfway cohesive tale in 50 words is rather difficult.
Anyway, I’m pleased with the result of my effort. Good luck in your writing endeavors and stay 6 feet apart.