I was hit and miss on my reading goals for 2024. Did I finally read the entire Dune series by Frank Herbert? Not even close! But I read Dune Messiah and enjoyed it more than when I first read it, probably close to 20 years ago. So what about this year? Will I finish my reading goals? What are they exactly? Time will tell this year, that is for certain. I'm not sure what my reading goals are for this year other than to read and read and read. However, I do have a couple of books in mind.

I've been a fan of samurai movies for as long as I can remember. I'm also a fan of the novel Shogun, and both miniseries based on the novel are pretty damn good too. Musashi follows the life of Miyamoto Musashi, an actual historical figure. In reality, I suspect many of the episodic tales told in this novel are apocryphal. Still, two things are for sure: first, the stories in this book are entertaining, especially for anyone who enjoys Japanese samurai movies, and second, Mushashi's quest for enlightenment is inspiring, if violent. I'm listening to the audiobook, and at 54 hours, it is a monumental listen.

Several of the Gunslinger novels were the first books I read by Stephen King. While enjoyable, the tales didn't exactly light a fire in my belly for more. Subsequently, though, I've read numerous books by the King of Horror. Some, like Holly for example, have earned a place in my heart among my favorite yarns of all time. So I figure this is the year to visit the series that introduced me to a Mr. King. I don't believe I'll finish the series, but I suspect I'll get through one or two more volumes.
If you haven't read Swan Song, do yourself a favor and read it. Like now. Right now. That tale of nuclear disaster and good ultimately triumphing over evil is one of the most affecting reads I've ever experienced. Since thoroughly enjoying that yarn, I read Mine, a thriller that introduces the reader to Marry Terror, one of the most memorable and disturbing antagonists to ever grace the page. I'm not sure what book by Mr. McCannon I will read this year, but I am confident it will be a memorable page-turner.

Confession time: in 2024, I planned to read the entire Dune series, starting with Dune Messiah. I failed miserably. I got through Dune Messiah and enjoyed it for more than I recall when I first read it. Still, my enjoyment wasn't enough to drive me to read the rest of the series when so many other great books are out there distracting me. However, I plan to get through one or two more in the series this year.
Dune is one of my favorite reads of all time, and I owe it to myself to finish the entire original series. Is Dune my favorite book of all time? I don't know. I would've said yes at one time, but I don't know that I would today. It is, however, perhaps the most influential novel I've ever read for me personally. After reading this relatively short yet immensely immersive sci-fi, I decided I wanted to try out this writing thing for myself.
Whatever your goals are for 2025, whether writerly and readerly, like mine, or something totally different, I wish you the best of fortune.