I figure it's a time for a NaNoWriMo update. Admittedly, I'm not hacking out as many words as I would like to. Not nearly as many. Having said that, I'm happy with how my current WIP is progressing. Incidentally, it's an epic fantasy.
One reason I think my WIP is progressing so smoothly is that I am reading Stein On Writing. I haven't been reading many books on writing lately. Let me tell you, Stein On Writing is a doozy. The book has practical advice on everything: characterization, dialogue, plotting. Even more importantly, Stein's pearls of authorial wisdom are immediately actionable. I can literally read a couple pages and instantaneously know how to start applying what I just ingested to my writing. This isn't always true for books on craft, at least in my experience. On top of all that, the examples he provides from other authors' novels (and short stories) are great –not too much, not too little, and always applicable. I admit it; I'm blown away. I know Stein has written a few more works on writing; I'm tempted to read them all.
Social distancing sucks in general and certainly does during the holidays. I see a silver lining for writers everywhere. Not having mandatory family time means more time to write.