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2024 Writing Goals

Writer: DanDan


2023 Wrap-up

NN. Light Book Awards Finalist

2023 has been an awesome writing year. I feel like I've accomplished quite a bit. On February 1, 2023, for instance, The Blood of Faeries was published. The Allison Lee Chronicles finally had two volumes, officially making it a series. When I allow myself to sit back and reflect on my writing, I'm gobsmacked! Less than three years ago I didn't have a single novel published, let alone a series.

Like most writers who find any success, I'm not one to rest on my laurels. In 2023, I also finished the third volume of The Allison Lee Chronicles, The Wrath of Monsters. Volume Three is in the hands of my publisher, and I am eagerly awaiting the release date. But that's not all. I also planned (yes, I am a planner) and started the rough draft of the fourth and final volume of The Allison Lee Chronicles.

Enough looking back. I'm always looking forward to the next adventure—in this case, the next novel. It's time to etch my goals for 2024 into stone! I hope you do the same and wish you great success in achieving your goals, whatever they might be.

2024 Goals

Finish Volume Four

Without a doubt, my number one goal is to finish off The Allison Lee Chronicles, Volume Four. As of writing this post, I've banged out over twenty chapters without a hitch. At this rate, I might have a completed rough draft before spring.

Successfully Launch The Wrath of Monster

Anyone who has launched a novel knows a successful launch takes planning and execution. I'm far from an expert at book marketing or launching, but this will be my third rodeo. I hope to apply lessons from my previous book launches to make Volume Three's the most successful yet.

Haunted School Project

What's next after I finish the fourth and final volume of The Allison Lee Chronicles? Most likely, the Haunted School Project. I'll post more about this once I start tackling this endeavor.

Revisiting Short Stories

typewriter's keys spell story

Generally, I'm not one to revisit old writing that never made it to publication. I typically take the view it's easier to start with something fresh than to try rejigging works that failed to cut the mustard. However, recently, I revisited a short story I wrote a couple of years ago. After a thorough edit, I decided to submit it to an ezine with a call out for dark fantasy. I'm still waiting to hear back, so fingers crossed.

All this is to say, I'm considering revisiting and rewriting short stories I wrote in years past that never quite worked out. Two reasons. First, I think my editing skills are much better nowadays, so reworking early writing doesn't seem like a fruitless slog any longer. Secondly, it has the potential to be a relatively easy way to continue raising my writerly profile. If nothing else, it lets me practice and improve my editorial skills. Time will tell where this endeavor leads. I can't wait to find out!


Do you have authorial goals for 2024? Let me know in the comments!


© 2018 by Dan

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