June has arrived! We're halfway through 2024. Am I reaching my goal? Yes and no. Allow me to explain…
Revisiting Authors
Swan Song by Robert McCammon is one of my favorite books of all time. What can I say other than WOW? Amazing novel all around that is reminiscent of the works of Stephen King while being entirely unique. If post-apocalyptic novels that are both terrifying and uplifting are your jam, Swan Song is for you!
So one of my goals for 2024 is to read more novels by Robert McCammon—at least one, as his books are lengthy. At first, I had my eyes set on Boy's Life as it had won a couple of major awards. Instead, I ended up reading Mine.
To be entirely frank, Mine is not as good as Swan Song. But that's not really a criticism. Swan Song is next-level excellent. What Mine gives the reader is one of the most terrifying antagonists I have ever encountered. Mary Terror is downright scary. In fact, one of the opening scenes of this novel was hard to read because it was so darn disturbing. Mine is top-notch horror without having any paranormal aspect to the tale. I think that's part of what makes the story so effective. In many ways, the characters and occurrences feel simultaneously ordinary and horrifying.
I've also read the entire Fever Crumb series, the prequel series to Philip Reeve's delectable Hungry Cities. Reeve's books showed me how wonderful and inventive the young adult genre can be. Fever's tales do not disappoint. Fans of Hungry Cities are sure to devour the prequel books. Highly recommended.
I have yet to read the Dune series or pick up The Saxon Tales. I still plan to read these in the second half of 2024, but who knows if I will be successful. There are just so many excellent books to read!